Mar 20, 2012

Day 2 in Oxford

Day 2 brought on a rainy Sunday in which I explored Blackwells, a very large bookstore in central Oxford, with Cassie and Paulina.
Aaand then we went punting.

Punting is kind of like riding a gondola in Venice. There are four people sitting in a boat, 2 facing the other 2, and on the back of the boat there is 1 person standing on a platform balancing and holding a giant metal (and may I add heavy) pole. This pole is then used to steer and to move the boat forward. One needs great skill and strategy in order to successfully do this (I didn't have either of those). Emily was a champ and did the work most of the time while the rest of us sang songs from Pocahontas and "row your boat". Needless to say we were the loudest and most obnoxious boat, but probably had the best time.

Then we went BACK to Blackwell and had delicious hot chocolate to warm us up, followed by dinner at Chang Mai Kitchen, a delicious Tai restaurant that coincidentally was filled with a large group of Americans.
We finished the night by watching "Shadowlands", a movie about C.S Lewis and an American woman whom he marries named Joy Gresham.